Parent Information
Parent Involvment
Parent Involvment
Parent Involvment
We welcome parent involvement at Rio Del Oro Elementary School. Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education generally are more successful in school and in life.
Please call the school office any time and stay in touch with your child's teacher to learn about more opportunities.
Please call the school office any time and stay in touch with your child's teacher to learn about more opportunities.
Early Release Mondays:
Students are dismissed at 1:30 pm every Monday for staff development and grade level planning.
Dismissal Times:
Regular Day - 2:30 for all students.
Minimum Day - 12:00 for all students.
Early Release on Mondays - 1:30 for all students.
Students are dismissed at 1:30 pm every Monday for staff development and grade level planning.
Dismissal Times:
Regular Day - 2:30 for all students.
Minimum Day - 12:00 for all students.
Early Release on Mondays - 1:30 for all students.
The Yuba County Sheriff’s Department and PLESD school officials work closely to plan for the safe arrival and departure of students at our campus. We are asking for your support and help in the safe loading and unloading of children at Rio Del Oro Elementary School.
The Yuba County Sheriff’s Department and PLESD school officials work closely to plan for the safe arrival and departure of students at our campus. We are asking for your support and help in the safe loading and unloading of children at Rio Del Oro Elementary School.
- Assist us in teaching your child to use the crosswalks coming to school and leaving campus.
- Do not stop in the crosswalk to deliver or pick up your child. California State law prohibits stopping in a designated crosswalk, this constitutes a moving violation.
- When instructing your child, teach her/him to walk, not run, through the crosswalk.
- Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the loading and unloading zones in front of the cafeteria, front office and Kindergarten buildings. Parents must park in a designated parking space in the parking lot if they plan to leave their vehicle.
Morning Drop Off
Students may arrive at school between 7:40 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.. They should report to the designated area for their grade level. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria in the morning and second chance breakfast is served during morning recesses.
Students may arrive at school between 7:40 a.m. and 8:00 a.m.. They should report to the designated area for their grade level. Breakfast is served in the cafeteria in the morning and second chance breakfast is served during morning recesses.
Checking Out Students Early:
At Rio Del Oro Elementary, every minute counts! Each school day ends at 2:30p.m, with an early release time of 1:30 on Mondays. I have noticed that we have many parents that check their students out 15-20 minutes prior to the release time. Now I realize that sometimes there are doctor or dentist appointments, but often times, it is just "easier" to pick students up at that time. Please understand that we use every minute of the school day for instruction and, yes, 15-20 minutes can make a difference. The end of the school day is also a time to review the day's key learning as well as going over homework, so it is imperative that your child hear this information. Thank you in advance, for adhering to the release time and allowing your child to stay for the full day.
School Attendance/Absences
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that students attend school promptly and regularly. (Educational Code, Article 6, Section 48290). Following any absence, the student should bring a signed parent note to school stating their full name, reason, and date of absence. In addition, parents may call the office at (530) 749-0690 to leave this information on voice mail or with the attendance clerk. Any absence not cleared within three (3) school days will be treated as truancy. The law specifically states that a pupil must be legally excused for compulsory attendance purposes for the following situations:
• Personal illness or injury
• Quarantine
• Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic service rendered
• Attendance at the funeral of an immediate family member
• Exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunizations
• Exclusion from school for a contagious disease
The attendance clerk will keep a record of all absences. Serious attendance problems will be referred to administration for action, and referral to all appropriate agencies will be made.
Visiting Campus
We are proud of the educational program offered at Rio Del Oro Elementary School. Parents are always welcome to visit the school and observe in their child’s classroom. Please call your child’s teacher to arrange a time to visit.
At Rio Del Oro Elementary, every minute counts! Each school day ends at 2:30p.m, with an early release time of 1:30 on Mondays. I have noticed that we have many parents that check their students out 15-20 minutes prior to the release time. Now I realize that sometimes there are doctor or dentist appointments, but often times, it is just "easier" to pick students up at that time. Please understand that we use every minute of the school day for instruction and, yes, 15-20 minutes can make a difference. The end of the school day is also a time to review the day's key learning as well as going over homework, so it is imperative that your child hear this information. Thank you in advance, for adhering to the release time and allowing your child to stay for the full day.
School Attendance/Absences
It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that students attend school promptly and regularly. (Educational Code, Article 6, Section 48290). Following any absence, the student should bring a signed parent note to school stating their full name, reason, and date of absence. In addition, parents may call the office at (530) 749-0690 to leave this information on voice mail or with the attendance clerk. Any absence not cleared within three (3) school days will be treated as truancy. The law specifically states that a pupil must be legally excused for compulsory attendance purposes for the following situations:
• Personal illness or injury
• Quarantine
• Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic service rendered
• Attendance at the funeral of an immediate family member
• Exclusion for failure to present evidence of immunizations
• Exclusion from school for a contagious disease
The attendance clerk will keep a record of all absences. Serious attendance problems will be referred to administration for action, and referral to all appropriate agencies will be made.
We are proud of the educational program offered at Rio Del Oro Elementary School. Parents are always welcome to visit the school and observe in their child’s classroom. Please call your child’s teacher to arrange a time to visit.
When visiting, please report to the office and obtain a visitor’s pass. While observing in the classroom, allow the teacher to continue instructional activities by requesting a separate time to meet to discuss any questions or concerns you may have. Visitors are not permitted on the playground nor in the cafeteria.
For every student who attends a Plumas Lake Elementary School District school, an updated, complete registration form must be filled out each year. This form gives us the necessary information to deal with any emergencies that may arise. EMERGENCY NUMBERS ARE VITAL! It is essential to the safety and well being of our students that we be notified of any changes to the information on the registration forms. We will only release children to parents, guardians, or names of people you list on the registration form.
For every student who attends a Plumas Lake Elementary School District school, an updated, complete registration form must be filled out each year. This form gives us the necessary information to deal with any emergencies that may arise. EMERGENCY NUMBERS ARE VITAL! It is essential to the safety and well being of our students that we be notified of any changes to the information on the registration forms. We will only release children to parents, guardians, or names of people you list on the registration form.
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Information
Enrollment Information
In collaboration with parents and the educational community, we strive to meet each student's needs academic, social, emotional, and physical. We recognize, respect, and develop each student's unique potential.
Our curriculum and instructions are aligned with National, State, and District Standards and we measure our achievement through standardized assessments. We provide a flexible learning environment that prepares our students for the challenges of a changing world.
Enrollment: 559
Constructed: 2004
School Colors: Maroon and Gold
School Mascot: Bulldog
Our curriculum and instructions are aligned with National, State, and District Standards and we measure our achievement through standardized assessments. We provide a flexible learning environment that prepares our students for the challenges of a changing world.
Enrollment: 559
Constructed: 2004
School Colors: Maroon and Gold
School Mascot: Bulldog